With so many people working from home — and the trend likely to continue in the coming years — it has become more important than ever to find ways to stay motivated throughout the day.

Whether at home or in the office, it can be challenging to remain alert and energized from nine to five. The dreaded mid-day slump is a daily hurdle for many professionals, but if you can spare five minutes, you can turn your day around!

Try these quick energy-boosting exercises to rev up your workday:

Research shows that just five minutes of aerobic exercise is enough to create powerful stress-fighting effects in your body. When you combine cardio and strength training, you can quickly get your heart pumping and revitalize your day. Try this cardio and strength training combo to banish fatigue:

Alone, squats are an effective lower-body exercise. To gain full-body benefits, try adding a kick and punch into the mix:

Start with your feet parallel to one another and hips-width apart, as you would for a squat.
Squeeze your core muscles by thinking about pulling your navel towards your spine.
Hold a pair of dumbbells — around three pounds each — at your chest.
Bend at the knees, as if you’re going to sit in a chair, and squat.
Drive through the heels to stand up straight.
As you rise, kick your right leg in front of you at hip height.
Either add a simultaneous punch with the right arm or return to the squat position and punch as you rise.
Return to the squat position and repeat on the left side.
Continue this exercise for an interval of 60 seconds.
Skater lunges are a popular plyometric movement. To complete a weighted skater lunge:

Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides and stand in a neutral position.
Step to the right with your right foot.
Think about gliding as you reach your left leg behind your right — this is known as a skater step or lunge.
As you reach the end of your glide, extend the right arm forward and upwards, as you would when bowling.
Repeat the motion on the opposite side.
Alternate sides and continue the motion for 60 seconds.
To fire up your abs, add twisting crunches into your routine:

Lie flat on the ground with your knees bent.
Make sure your lower back maintains contact with the ground.
Hold your dumbbells at the center of your chest.
Engage your abs to curl your upper body upwards.
As you complete the crunch, bend your right leg and extend your left in a bicycle-like motion.
At the same time, twist towards your right knee and extend your arms on the outside of your bent knee.
Switch sides — this time bending the left knee, extending the right, and twisting towards the left side.
Keep your abs engaged and upper body lifted as you alternate sides for 60 seconds.
This combination exercise requires balance and focus. To complete a high knee press:

Start by standing upright with your feet directly under your hips.
Hold your pair of dumbbells just over your shoulders.
Press the dumbbells upward to complete a standard dumbbell press.
As you press upward, lift your right knee to hip height.
Return to your starting position and repeat on the opposite side.
Alternate between the right and left side for 60 seconds.
Classic pushups are an effective way to build upper-body strength, but adding a kickback gets your whole body involved:

Set up a yoga mat on the floor to protect your knees and wrists.
Start on your hands and knees, engaging your core and thinking about pulling your navel towards your spine.
Make sure your shoulders are aligned with your wrists and your hips are aligned with your knees.
Bend your elbows to lower into a pushup position.
As you press down, lift and extend your right leg.
Press up and lower your leg, returning to your starting position.
Repeat the motion but kick back with the opposite leg.
Continue, alternating sides, for 60 seconds.
Utilize this quick energy-boosting routine as often as every other day. Alternate with other low-impact activities, like walking, to keep your body moving.

If you’re confined by space, professional attire, or an aversion to sweating mid-workday, try this office-friendly exercise routine:

Take two minutes to assume a power pose. According to social psychologist Amy Cuddy, power posing can alter your brain chemistry, boost testosterone, and lower the stress hormone, cortisol. While there are many power poses you can try, the most popular is the Wonder Woman or Superman pose. To achieve this energizing pose:

Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart.
Take a deep breath inward and think about lengthening your spine to stand taller.
Place your hands on your hips.
Lift your chin.
Focus on your breathing and hold the pose for two minutes.
Feel your confidence and energy start to rise.
After you have completed your power pose and deep breathing, find a space in your office with enough room for pushups. Place a towel under your knees if needed. To complete your pushup burnout:

Start either on all fours or in a plank position.
Lower yourself down using proper pushup form.
Complete as many pushups as you can in 60 seconds.
The goal is to get your heart pumping and open the chest and shoulders. This short burst of pushups should boost adrenaline and give you a jolt of energy.

To finish this office-friendly routine, you can complete a short meditation:

If you have a couch in your office, take a moment to lie flat.
If you don’t have a couch nearby, rest your arms and head on your desk or simply sit back in your chair and place your palms on your legs.
Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
Breathe deeply and with intention. Try to block out any distracting thoughts or worries.
Breathe in for five seconds.
Hold gently for five seconds.
Breathe out slowly for five seconds.
Repeat this fifteen-second circuit for one full minute — or try a one-minute guided meditation.
Meditation is a simple way to quickly reduce stress, making it the perfect way to end a short at-home or in-office revitalizing routine.

Sometimes the best way to reclaim your day is to get your blood flowing. Try this classic cardio blast to get pumped for the second half of your workday:

Most people are familiar with jumping jacks, but it is important to complete them with proper form:

Start by standing in a neutral position, with your feet directly under your hips and your arms at your sides.
Jump into a star position by hopping your feet out to shoulder-width apart and raising your arms to a high “v” shape.
Return to the starting position by hopping your feet back in and dropping your arms by your side.
Repeat this motion for one minute.
Alternately, you can kick off your cardio session with one minute of jumping rope. The goal is to immediately elevate your heart rate.